Business Transformation is an "umbrella" term for making fundamental changes in how a business or organization runs. This includes personnel, processes, and technology. These transformations help FIs compete more effectively, become more efficient, or make a wholesale strategic pivot. Therefore the Digital Transformation Strategy of each FI includes transforming of how doing business, on the day-to-day work, aka "Organizational transformation". In this direction, Intracom Telecom"s solutions proposition focuses on the path that help FIs to move towards:
The “Phygital” Branches model: converging Branch & digital experiences, via a Digital Signatures Solution. This is "Where Physical meets Digital". A solution about the Electronic Signature capture for signing electronic document files, elimination of mailing, storage, filing, copying & retrieval of paper documents, replacement of paper documents, contracts & forms with more efficient, regulatory compliant and cost-effective way via electronic substitutes that smoothen Bank"s operations.
Enterprise Document Management system: a Document Management system is the use of technology to manage electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based documents. Document management software capabilities are often described by three simple verbs: scan, store, retrieve. Document management has been delivering benefits for many years across numerous industries & application areas. But the functionality provided by DMS now forms part of a larger suite of capabilities known as content services. Intracom Telecom aims to help FIs to transform their business for the future, by taking advantage of state-of-the-art technology without disrupting core business processes that rely on legacy systems.
Intracom Telecom"s proposition for signatures management solution enables Bank officers and customer services representatives provide their customers with fast and flexible processes. At the same time, the implementation of electronic signatures technology enables the Bank to achieve:
The solution is compliant with related EU regulations & Directives (eIDAS, Trusted Services). Solution includes also hardware (signature Pads) for capturing handwritten electronic signatures. Software platform offers different solutions for the flexible digitalization and / or partial automation of signature processes, via software applications and SDK. Platform supports capture of signature(s) remotely from all current type of devices, such as: Desktop PC/Laptops with Real Signature pad or PEN display (monitor extension) pads. Laptops with touch screen, Tablets (with touch screen) and Mobile Phones running iOS, Android & Windows Mobile (using native OS application or web browser), any other device with touch surface running iOS, Android & Windows Mobile.
With such a Solution, Bank can speed up processing, reliably prevent misuse of documents and print less paper but "only" the minimum required for the signature, digitize its processes flexibly and easily, generate legally compliant and conclusive electronic signatures (according to the ISO standard) directly within digital document. This means that anyone can check the integrity of the content at any time without any technical effort.
With markets and technologies evolving rapidly, modernizing an organization"s ECM software approach can future-proof its business and deliver true competitive advantages. An innovative solution offers not only a full set of “traditional” ECM features… but may treat content differently. Intracom Telecom"s proposition of a low-code platform drives more efficiency and value from organization"s content, using a flexible, scalable cloud-native architecture and introducing powerful AI. This is a way to accelerate and enhance business processes, without disrupting the way FI"s teams get their jobs done.
Digital Signatures Software: offers an unsurpassed and constantly growing variety of functions to process and sign documents digitally and automatically. It is possible to process each "document type" in an individual way, position signatures dynamically, save them automatically and send them by e-mail. Solution"s features overview:
Hardware (Signature Pads): A variety of pads for capturing handwritten electronic signatures. They are all characterized by essential unique features, such as extra-wide, high-quality sensors, unsurpassed variety of interfaces, terminal server capability and much more. All products ensure precise capturing of signature and consist of incomparable quality, addressing any business requirement and operating model.
The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) proposition of Intracom Telecom is innovative and incorporates new technologies and capabilities as they have become available. Solution covers every basic ECM feature: